Saturday, January 1, 2011

The First Annual Paliferi Family Very Rustic New Year Picnic

...bring your own damper.

It may have been the strong Pugliese wine I drank last night, or the fact that it was 2 a.m. before I got to sleep, but when I awoke this morning, all I wanted was Damper.

Not entirely true. I knew that a trip to our difficult piece of land (called "La Bastarda" for a reason) was on the cards. Mr Hubby had to burn some clippings and general undergrowth after he and his dad cut down an unwanted tree yesterday. I also knew that I didn't really want to go - the pull of studying for the DELTA is getting very hard to ignore, and the idea of a morning kid- and hubby-free was admittedly appealing.

Then I got to thinking about the OTHER book I'm reading right now - Dale Carnegie's very famous, very old, yet still very relevant "How To Win Friends and Influence People", and I thought "What does everyone want today?".

My answer was DAMPER :-) And potatoes cooked in the embers.

Mr Hubby in charge of the fire

Yes, I was a Brownie, and then a Girl Guide, and yes, some of those memories are the best of my life. I was up before everyone else anyway, and it wasn't hard to find a recipe on-line for Damper. I used 
this one, and it was perfect. Very light, cooked very well, and tasted wonderful. (Next time I would double the mixture, even though this made six good sized rolls. 

Potatoes cooking in the embers
Our potatoes are quite big, so I cut six in half, and also cut crosses in them, because we didn't want them to explode out of the fire. I oiled and salted them before wrapping them individually in tinfoil (al-foil for those non-Kiwis reading this!).

Then it was off to La Bastarda, where we gathered large handfuls of damp leaves to get that fire going. It was smoky, and it was hot, just as I remember Girl Guide camp-fires being. I also remembered saying "I hate rabbits." to make the smoke go in another direction, and some rather silly camp-fire songs came back, too! Quartermaster's Store anyone???

Showing the children how to cook their damper

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