Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Time for a Still-Vegan catch-up post

Wholemeal pasta with broccoli and herbs

Stir-fried cabbage with miso and cider vinegar

Big fresh mixed salad

Vegan Scalloped potatoes, baby! 

And a big pot of lentils.

Well, hi there! It seems like ages...but really, it is just a few days. A few very packed days. However, we're still eating well, and it is still a grand adventure. The best way to catch up is by looking at the above photos. I think the highlight so far has been the scalloped potatoes. Made with vege broth, garlic, herbs and nutritional yeast - it really looks like parmesan on top there, doesn't it? They were so creamy and delicious.

And today, my newest shiny appliance arrived...I've already made the first batch of soy milk. I soaked the soy beans for 4 hours (recipe said 1 hour, but it was dance night!). I wasn't sure how long it was going to take, perhaps an hour or something like that - 25 minutes! It took 25 minutes to make 1.5 litres of creamy soy milk. I'm so excited to try almond milk and rice milk now.
Well...not right now...tomorrow now or the day after tomorrow now, if you get what I mean. NOW now is all about DELTA Assignment Number Five...getting it sent in before midnight.

Night night.


Anonymous said...

I love the photos Jo, it all looks so tasty.

LindyLouMac said...

I agree with Cathy all looks delicious.