Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Store cupboard cooking today.

As my mum would say..."DID YA SEE THAT BUS GO BY???"

Got home at 6.10, dinner on table at 6.50 p.m. Planned it in my head on the drive home. I first cut up the huge head of broccoli from our garden, and put that on to boil (I know, healthier to steam, but it wouldn't have all fit in the steamer pot, and sometimes we just like it boiled.)

Chopped up the last of the scallions (bought from market last week, so they lasted well! Worth buying again. They seem to be easier to digest that the red onions from our garden that I've been using, although it is back to them tomorrow.) Added some garlic after ten minutes, then two tins of tomatoes, three boxes of cannellini beans (yay for cannellini!), a dessert spoon of barley malt (because I don't have molasses), some herbs, salt, pepper, and set that all to simmer.

Then I whipped out the couscous, toasted it with a little garlic and olive oil, poured on the boiled water and a little salt (1.5 cups couscous to 3 cups boiling water - made enough for dinner, AND my lunch tomorrow), and covered the pot. Easiest side dish of carbs I can think of!

That was dinner, folks - eaten and enjoyed by everyone (oh, the broccoli was just dressed with a little olive oil - keeping it simple.)

And what about lunch? Busy day at work, so this morning in the middle of the madness, I put two chopped up carrots in a pot, brought that to a boil, added a few broccoli trees, and then a couple of handfuls of wholemeal pasta. Dressed with oil, and nutritional yeast, it was the perfect, tasty, full-me-up lunch I needed when 1 p.m. rolled around.

And that, my friends, was Day erm...let me count on my fingers....17?? Really? Wow.


LindyLouMac said...

Sounds delicious, you are doing well, keep it up. Are you feeling any benefits yet?

JoGillespie said...

Thanks, LindyLouMac
It was a good meal, very satisfying! I'm experiencing MANY benefits, some of which I can even blog about :-)
The best is the sense of vitality - it feels like I am approaching a state of bliss, without having a moment to mediate...or even stop and reflect (unless you count the blog!)