Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Why I am a reader....and why I want my children to be readers, too.

When I read about housekeeping, I (albeit briefly) become a better housekeeper.
When I read about parenting, I become a better parent.
When I read about writing, I become a better writer.
When I read about teaching, I become a better teacher.
When I read a novel, which someone has poured their love, imagination and effort into, for weeks, months, years -
I have a window into a world I never knew existed.
I have a window into a culture I will never visit.
I have a window into lives of people I would love to have as friends.

I want my children to grow up with these opportunities. To enrich their lives, and let their imaginations soar. To discover that they can learn more from a book than from the TV. And that in times of sorrow, pain, heartache, a book may be what sees them through.


Paulette said...

So very true Jo!

LindyLouMac said...

As a librarian these words mean a lot to me Jo. My husband and I are avid readers, but our love of reading has only rubbed off on one of our two daughters, which does disappoint me somewhat. My love of reading is why I write my Book review Blog to try and keep my brain active as well.

Thanks for your comments about Il Caminetto, I will respond to your question on my blog, just in case others are interested. I am sure it is the type of place that would happily oblige.

Anonymous said...

So Jo, what do you do for a nearly 10 year old boy who goes through stages of liking reading and not liking reading, and who at the moment, does not even want to be read to?