I can't answer that question.
However, it did prod me to look over the meals we'd had in the last month, and I managed to put together a passable dinner of Potato Parlsey Pesto Salad, carrot sticks and sautéed mushrooms. Wonderful stuff. My next task is to take all 30 days of Vegan Adventure posts, and actually CREATE the four week menu plan to work from. No problem - sure I can fit that job in somewhere.

Almond and Walnut Truffles
About a cup (maybe less...) of almond pulp
1/3 cup walnut pieces
1/3 cup almonds
1/3 cup sultanas
1tbsp agave syrup
coconut for rolling
Use a food processor to chop up the walnuts, almonds and sultanas. Mix these with the almond pulp and agave syrup. Roll into balls, and roll in coconut. Put in fridge for 1-2 hours. Yummy, and dare I say it?...a little bit FANCY. :-)
I've GOT to try these. They look positively delicious!
vegan fruit cake: a kg of dried fruit soaked in 2 c of either black coffee or orange juice overnight. in the morning stir in 2 c of self raising flour. if a bit dry add a bit more juice. cook in a greased cake tin in a slow oven until skewer comes out clean. about an hour depending on oven.
can add some mixed spice to flour if desired.
Kimberly, yes, you DO, really! They're great!
Susan, thanks! Are you vegan, too, or do you just have to cook that way sometimes?
not a vegan...not even a real vegetarian but I appreciate both kinds (or is that all kinds....) of diets! The meat/dairy free food i cook is more good luck than good management but fortunately my children like it...
here's another kiwi thing to try....i made little toad in the holes tonight (in minimuffin tins) with a mushroom instead of a piece of sausage. so yum. not sure how you can make batter without an egg but it was so easy and quick. had it with mashed potato and some gravy...mmmm!
THanks Mighty Acorns :-) Will try that too, although toad in hole has VERY bad memories for me.
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