I'm wearing a different hat in November. I'm a teacher. It is what I do. I love it. But I'm also a writer. It's what I do. I love it. I get paid for doing the first. I'd love to get paid for doing the second (actually, I have been paid, once. Which means that I know I can do it again.)
Why November? If you follow the link to NaNoWriMo, you'll find out. NaNo gives me the kick in the pants I need to make me fit writing in and around all the other aspects of my life (you know, wife, mother, daughter, sister, teacher, friend...), and shows me every year that I CAN write, and I LOVE writing.
The first year was when I wrote the novel I'd been thinking about for ages. I finished that book, and its been rejected by several very reputable agents. :-) As you know, rejection means that I'm a "real author"!
Last year I wrote a book which I loved - only it had a very saggy middle which kept me bogged down. So much so that it is still a work in progress. I thought about resurrecting it this year, and making the 50,000 words the second half of that book - but then I had another idea.
And also a change of genre.
I've moved from Chick Lit - erm, I mean, Contemporary Women's Fiction - into ROMANCE. Yes, romance, with the necessary Alpha male, strong yet vulnerable female, and some slurpy bits. And to add a bang to the whole story, I've set it in Iceland (because I needed a literal bang, as in a volcano!).
Previously, I've written about New Zealand, Italy, London...you know, places I've actually been to, and know something about. This year, I'm completely in the dark. Well, not completely, of course, because we have the Internet, with blogs, flikr, ads, mapmyrun for calculating distances, and all those good things.
However, if you are visiting this blog, and you live in Iceland, or have been to Iceland, I'd love to hear from you. Really! Especially if you live anywhere near Skaftafell, and/or are a geologist, an Earth Sciences student, or a photo journalist :-)
Thanks for checking in!
Is this the end? Disruption in ELT
7 years ago
I think you are so brave tackling a novel in a place you have never been too. May the force be with you Jo.
Thanks for the comments. HappyPop, my dad enjoys reading my novels, even though he's surely NOT my target demo. So perhaps you'd enjoy, too?
Cathy - I was just getting sick of writing about Italy, and I also needed a country with ice and volcanoes. It was either Antarctica or Iceland! I have more of a chance of visiting Iceland, so stuck it there.
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