Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Washing On The Line

This week I give myself a 2 out of 10 for planning! I just can't seem to knuckle down. I know in my general teaching, I tend to rely too heavily on the course book and teacher's book - then wing it a little, depending on what comes out in the lesson. I think after teaching for so long, I can do this. Perhaps my lessons would be a little more brilliant if I made extra activities. I admit this. However, the lessons always go smoothly, and I am always aware of the individual students in a group, and do extra practice when necessary.
None of this works for the pre-school. Apart from being aware of possible topic areas, my "normal" way of doing things counts for little here. The course is wonderful, but my group is not its target audience, so everything needs to be adapted. That was fine at the beginning. I had that beginner's enthusiasm, and desire to succeed brilliantly.
Then, of course, staying up until midnight, then not sleeping for worry anyway, began to take its toll, and I just had to back off a little from the intensity.
And it should be noted, that once I DID back off a little, things got a little easier. And now I can get it together 30 minutes before a lesson (provided that I read through the TB before going to bed!).
What I have discovered so far, about my group, anyway (it remains to be seen if this knowledge is transferable), is that it all depends on the mood of the crowd. If they are restive, even the best planned lesson is going to be a struggle. If they are able to focus, they manage to absorb everything.
This week's topic is clothes. My idea for today was to revise using the flashcards, then do the song again, but then I drew a blank. Half the class had done the puppet and dressed him yesterday, so I didn't want to do that again (also, having started halfway through, they don't have English folders to put their work in, so most of them had taken the puppet home!).
My idea is hardly original, but it felt so to me! I used WordArt to write a curved title "What's On Your Clothes Line?" across the top of a page, printed it out, then drew a clothesline, with pegs attached (but no clothes).
After the word review (I also had them pull clothes out of a bag, and taught socks and skirt, to add to Hat, Trousers and shoes from yesterday), and the song, I then drew Cookie's clothesline on the board, and they called out clothes, and I drew them hanging on the line. This also let us review Sun and Rain (and Incy Wincy, of course!). Then they went to their desks, and got drawing.
I had the usual M. saying "I am not good at drawing. I can't do it." The teacher told me that they deal with this by saying "Just try - it will be what it will be." - I also added that I was sure she could do it, and that I have already seen her doing some beautiful drawings.
She tried....and surprised herself, I think!
Tomorrow is the big interview for the CELTYL at International House in Rome. I'm off to do some last minute cramming. I found out today that the oral part usually takes about an hour!!! I hope my voice holds up!
Oh, I also firs

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